MOBI Luggages MOBI Satchel 48732W €68.00 Ergonomic satchel with several compartments and internal storage. Its removable inner separation allows the increase of the transport volume. The MOBI Bag is part of a standard range of luggage designed and manufactured for agents of urban, air, rail and sea transport companies. 13" PC CARRY-ON BAGGAGE {gformbuilderpro:5} Add to cart
Mobility MOBI Backpack 48737W €56.00 Lightweight and sturdy backpack perfect to accompany driving, control or maintenance agents in their daily professional life. The MOBI backpack is part of a standard range of luggage designed and manufactured for agents of urban, air, rail and sea transport companies. 15" PC CARRY-ON BAGGAGE {gformbuilderpro:5} Add to cart
Mobility MOBI Rolling backpack 48736W €102.00 Lightweight and sturdy backpack with several integrated compartments and storage compartments. Its hybrid backpacking and rolling system makes it perfectly adaptable for your professional trips and guarantees a comfortable transport. The MOBI rolling backpack is part of a standard range of luggage designed and manufactured for agents of urban, air, rail... Add to cart